If you don’t like what we are serving, then don’t come here! Muslims are complaining about the very nation they want to become part of by saying they are forced to assimilate. At a conference in Sydney, Australia, the keynote speaker said, “It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values.”
Why move to a freedom loving, democratic country if one hates what it stands for, unless it is to undermine the very system upon which it was built. Read some of the disdainful comments made at the conference regarding the mandate to assimilate on the next page.
When in Rome….
If you don’t want to assimilate, don’t come here!!!!!
They wont and cant assimilate, they should not be here
Wake up america
So stay in your own country then!
Then why go to a country if they dont plan on assimilating? Unless its to turn it into another 3rd world sh**hole! We’ve pretty much defeated isis, now these cowards can go home, to their own laws & customs. OF COURSE THEY WONT BE ABLE TO LEECH AT HOME! Send them home, they are not wanted here, shouldnt be here, they look down at the infidels, demand special treatments, laws, file law suits all designed to break down our countrys structure from within. They riot if they dont get their way! This is no way to thank the country that let them in & has taken care of them! They chop off the hand that feeds them, commit rapes, murder, social upheaval! Its obvious they’re not happy here, or they wouldnt be pulling all their b.s. so send them home, their wars are done, they need to rebuild their countries instead of trying to destroy ours! Destroying things are what they do best, not build anything worthwhile, no one envies what they have, they’ve destroyed everything they come in contact with, so how is this going to help our country? For the most part, they’re the great unwashed, ignorant, lazy inbred peoples of the world, they dont know how to build things of beauty, just destroy. This helps no country build for the future! Send them home, quit paying them! They’re not citizens so the only right they really have here is the right to be silent, which , suprise!, they’re not very good at either!!
Then u don’t belong here
B******T don’t let the assholes come here
Otherwise… go home!