There’s a very contradicting and hypocritical attitude when it comes to Islam. Never in history has such a vast collection of governments and corporations bowed to things that offend people who practice a religion. Why? Because nobody cares. All of these demands being made by Muslims and the organizations who amplify their voices are, for lack of a better word, stupid.
In 2015, Subway removed ham and bacon from 185 stores across the United Kingdom. Can you believe that? A sandwich store that doesn’t have ham. That’s the key ingredient for any good sandwich. That’s like selling a car without a steering wheel. Sure it still looks good on the outside, but you can’t exactly do anything with it.
See what’s happening to hot dogsĀ on the next page.
Hot dogs. Weiners. Franks. Frankfurters. Who cares.
When a name change was considered Hot Dog Venders everywhere United in protest. Hot Sausages just didn’t roll of the tongue like Hot Dogs, Popcorn. Now, to you mostlames, we’re offended by your term “Honor Killing”. We , as Americans, have changed that term to Murder.
Muck fuslims bacon ah akbar the prophet of Islam was gang banged by swine and he liked it
Call them hot pigs, more for us
IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW ISLAM THEN FOLLOW IT IN A MUSLIM COUNTRY NOT AMERICA Islam was banned from the USA in 1952, Public law 414 Chapter 2 Section 212 prohibition of entry to the Us if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to over throw the goverment of the
United States by “force”, violence, or other unconstitutional means by definition this rules out Islamic immigration. Immigration to the United States would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to the Islam which is antithetical to the US goverment, the Consitution and the republic. Wether it is a religion is emmateral because the law states that aliens who are affiliated with “any organization “that advocates the over throw of our government are prohibited”.
Leave our American food alone. Go back to your country and eat what you want
Any person afraid of dogs even the popular ball park version has got to have a short circuit upstairs. The name “hot dogs” was fine until Muslim immigrants became offended by it! I will enjoy “hot dogs” even more now that I have heard this dribble. I am also happy that my five pound dog will protect me from radical Muslims with his friendly bark and wagging tail!
Who are they to force anything? Isn’t there anyone left with a backbone to stand up and tell them to go butt a stump?