There’s a very contradicting and hypocritical attitude when it comes to Islam. Never in history has such a vast collection of governments and corporations bowed to things that offend people who practice a religion. Why? Because nobody cares. All of these demands being made by Muslims and the organizations who amplify their voices are, for lack of a better word, stupid.
In 2015, Subway removed ham and bacon from 185 stores across the United Kingdom. Can you believe that? A sandwich store that doesn’t have ham. That’s the key ingredient for any good sandwich. That’s like selling a car without a steering wheel. Sure it still looks good on the outside, but you can’t exactly do anything with it.
See what’s happening to hot dogsĀ on the next page.
Mess with our hotdogs? I don’t think so……
Idiots !!
Agree with Tommy Gentle need to open a big can of Whuppass
LET’S RENAME THEM ALLAH’S$#%&!@*..just imagine being at a baseball game…ALLAH’S$#%&!@*here or I”LL HAVE THE ALLAH FOOT LONG with$#%&!@* ALLAH’S DIRTY WATER$#%&!@*..The Coney Island ALLAH$#%&!@*EATING CONTEST…ALLAH’S$#%&!@* THEY PLUMP WHEN YOU COOK THEM, RAMADAN SPECIAL – 1 DOZEN ALLAH$#%&!@* Hey it’s the 4th of July, come on over we are having ALLAH$#%&!@*and Hamburgers. Is that ALLAH$#%&!@*HALAL OR KOSHER?
I could give a rats$#%&!@*what they want to call them……just keep putting pork in them so the turdmuffins won’t eat em!!!
Screw muslims and their BS….go home
Hotdogs are hotdogs. Hot sauages sounds dumb.
Go to hell!
Funny!!! Yes it is but it is mostly beyond STUPID and IT IS DESTRUCTIVE TO KEEP GIVING IN!!! Ever heard this, ” Give them an inch, they will take a mile”???? MUSLIMS AND BLM (by the way) want the mile!!!