It can be very difficult to believe that this level of barbarity exists on such a scale, but there are real human slaughterhouses in the Balkans where Christians are dissected – their organs removed while they are still alive – and sold to various countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Christians in Syria are kidnapped by Muslim jihadists who drain their blood and sell the vials for upwards of $100,000 each to Saudi Arabia, because Arab Muslims have a demonic superstition that they can obtain salvation if they ‘wash their hands in Christian blood’.
obama is a trroist himself he loves what they are doing larry h
wait…….but…………..okay… our torture methods are horrible???…..smh…..our country and their ideas of an easier way of settling this in a more peaceful way….one that does not include letting us put men on the ground to literally kick the S#!% out of them…..instead…..we’ll fly a couple of airHogs over them and put the fear of planes in their minds…..
Please send this pond scum my way to try to cut my head off please!
George Bush will face God in the end and answer for any wrongs he may have done.
All I’m asking us to do is to stop grouping a entire religion because of a radical branch of that religion is extreme. That’s why I used the inquisition and KKK as examples. I served my country and know half the people commenting wouldn’t risk their life but like to point fingers say lets go when they’ll be at home watching it on tv.
Peaceful obama friends!
they should kill him
Pure evil
Evil Deeds
And we aren’t suppose to say stuff that might hurt feelings? Yeah right! muhammnd was NOT a prophet he was a child rapist women beater and murderer ! muslim islam sharia and obama are ALL products of Satan himself and they are his demons! I will not be politically correct I will be bluntly honest!