“A-laaa-hu-akbar…A-laaa-hu-akbar” could be heard echoing down a Brooklyn street on March 3, 2016, as thousands of Muslims kneeled and chanted their prayers, blocking the public’s access to the sidewalk. The announcer repeated, “A-laaa-hu-akbar…A-laaa-hu-akbar”, as more and more men and boys joined the ranks of Muslims praying and repetitively bowing their heads on the sidewalk.
For non-Muslim, this very chant conjures the images of terrorists killing innocent people, screaming this phrase, and dedicating their terrorist act to Allah. On the heals of the San Bernardino attack, these images don’t help the non-Muslim feel there is a difference between a Muslim chanting a prayer to Allah and a radical Muslim dedicating his or her kill to the same god.
This type of passive aggressive intimidation, protected by CAIR and Obama’s DOJ, the American public must accept this behavior or be deemed racist. Truth and Action reported on another public display of Islamic culture in New York City, last September.
This past September Muslims took to the streets of New York City in what was suppose to be a moderate display of their religion. Instead, there were very graphic scenes of terrorism, like a white woman being hung with a noose, people carrying a banner that had eliminated Israel from the map, women being held in cages as in Boko Haram, etc
On the next page, view the chilling video of Brooklyn streets, turned into an open air Mosque.
Wake up people. They’re here. Little by little. Just like Europe !
they should be restrained !, they have their mosque for their 5 prayers a day, arrest them for vagrancy.
Be kind and provide pork skin prayer rugs. BTW can someone confirm this is Muhammed the Pagan God.
Disgusting. This needs to stop!
is this by the will of majority of all the people?
This is why Muslims must be deported out of our country.
Posting on FB won’t solve the Muslim/Islam problem. What are you willing to DO about them?
Corrupt and treasonous Government, if they are going to do those fema camps these are the ones that need to house it.
Yankee dumb asses.$#%&!@*them up and they won’t be back…..
Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, BLM, Muslims Radicals, Black Panthers, Bill Ayers, ISIS, Al_Qaeda, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra, and$#%&!@*have in common?
They all hide behind emotions while incite unlimited violence against the common people. Isn’t that the definition of FASCISM?
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