Should Sharia law supersede the Constitution? This question was asked by Fox News contributor David Webb in a Islamic cultural center in New York and many responded yes, Sharia should supersede the Constitution.
The reason given is that the Constitution is man made and Sharia is from Allah.
Video on page two is troubling, but it is important to understand the significance of this view point.
Yes. Next question.
Islam is uncivilized. Savage and evil……..not part of American society!!!
Yes their religion law overrides ours Constitution. That is the reason to stay in their own country. Muslims want to complete their Caliphate. USA must stop them. This is Our Country.
Now what is sharia a law, religion? To me its a disgusting way to push disgusting ideas for man not humans. Ideology to rule over women, children and your whole way of living. Nope not for me my family or America.
Yes they dp
Don’t give a$#%&!@*what they think!
Islam is incompatible with democracy. The only constitution of them is to kill the infidels.
They do.
The man that the made these laws work for the devil . Sharia is a very cruel it has rule that are different for men then for woman . Men don’t own women or children it’s wrong to has sex with children at any age
It was banned in the US in 1952…just enforce law.