Should Sharia law supersede the Constitution? This question was asked by Fox News contributor David Webb in a Islamic cultural center in New York and many responded yes, Sharia should supersede the Constitution.
The reason given is that the Constitution is man made and Sharia is from Allah.
Video on page two is troubling, but it is important to understand the significance of this view point.
They may but it don’t.
NEWS FLASH: Muslims didn’t write the constitution. (Most can’t even write.) So It doesn’t matter what they think on the matter.
yes—but ity doesn’t—
Don’t need research or investigation, the answer is no.
Yes. Muslims believe Sharia Law supersedes everything.
We believe Muslims are a menace to our country
One way or another they need to leave America
The Holy Bible supersedes sharia law. Allah was nowhere around when America was founded. Allah is not the same god, as the one that raised America to the greatest nation in the world. Allah don’t even like women, that’s why Muslim men treat them like dogs, they only use them for sex objects. Why else do men get 70 vergins when they die? I’m telling you Allah don’t like women.
Is that the kind of god you want in America, a god who thinks your mother and sister are equal to a dog?
Yes, they do. We know they do. And, we also know their culture is incompatible with ours.