Should Sharia law supersede the Constitution? This question was asked by Fox News contributor David Webb in a Islamic cultural center in New York and many responded yes, Sharia should supersede the Constitution.
The reason given is that the Constitution is man made and Sharia is from Allah.
Video on page two is troubling, but it is important to understand the significance of this view point.
They have some twisted way of interperting the constitution. Better stsrt off with the definitions of words and terms because these lawyer don’t seem to understand enlighted men like Thomas Jefferson. His definitions are on my facebook page. Maybe these lawyers should read the article “St. Thomas” first article 16.
Beth: The government needs to stress that only our laws are viable in this country and make sure that every Muslim is aware of this. We are not changing our laws to suit anyone else. Like it or leave!!
And yet we keep bringing these people here as “Refugee’s”.
Of course they do.
The muslim believes sharia law supercedes American and Christian law and faith. They are here not to assimilate to our faith, culture and nation but to convert all to being a muslim or kill all. The muslim insists on a muslims’ USA and a non-Christian USA.
Google. muslim demographics video. It’s short and to the point. It’s not immigration it’s a worldwide invasion.
Of course, they do, tough!
It does not believe what they believe.
Who cares it’s not they just want the country