Do Muslims Believe That Sharia Law Supersedes the U.S. Constitution?: Hannity Investigates

Hannity investigates by asking the question, “Should Sharia law supersede the US Constitution?” Islamic cultural center in New York City.  Only men were asked this question, but many expressed that Sharia Law is above the Constitution, without reservation.

Many spoke about Allah being above man’s law and thus Sharia supersedes the Constitution.

One man replied, “Sharia law is completely different than the United States Constitution. As a Muslim, you practice Islamic law, as a Muslim. The United States Constitution, as a citizen, I respect the Constitution, nothing to do with Sharia law. In Muslim countries, Sharia Law is allowed. Other countries? No, you have to respect the Constitution.”

The Constitution guarantees the religious freedoms of all and therefore protects those who support Sharia, yet with these views expressed, Sharia would trump the Constitution.

Hannity questions the practical application of Sharia as seen in other countries, such as women being not allowed to drive and laws against gays, to name a few, and then purports that these things forbidden by Sharia are protected in the Constitution here.

The left touts Islam as a peaceful religion, but Islam is ruled by Sharia and the Torah, which is above the Constitution according to many American Muslims.  When push comes to shove, they will follow Sharia.


Source: FoxNewsInsider



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