The Obama administration is picky regarding the Constitution and when it does and doesn’t apply to religious freedom. If you’re a Christian pharmacist who doesn’t want to deliver baby-killing pills to someone, you can be expected to be fired and castigated on national television.
But if you’re a pair of Muslim truck drivers, you can refuse to deliver beer and be awarded over $200,000 for doing so. Let’s repeat that: If it is against your religion to assist in murder, you should be fired and vilified.
But if it’s against your religion to do something as benign as deliver beer, you can expect reward and even adoration.
And our POTUS will even help you.
Check out the double-standard on page 2.
GET THAT MAN OUT! I can’T stand hearing anymore of his stupidity!
I posted that to wait for ur dads response
What else can we expect this muslim president to do!!!
What a bunch of cowardly so called men of law!
This is so wrong on every level. Wake-up people,take our country back….
THIS is NOT a Muslim Nation never has been or we would be like them…And we are NOT barbarian head choppers and if the fool whatever his real name is..
If he allows the Muslim refugee men’s club into the USA ….civil War.
.read the posts you news folks USA is awake locked loaded and ready to FIGHT for our Nation our laws and Flags and Constitution and bill of Rights and banners and The Ten Commandments and NO DAMM Sharia law C**P! This is AMERICA and Many nationality live here they all love and except OUR RIGHTS… Except the CULT of DEATH Sharia….they just want it to kill us by their law..we all awake the gig is up no matter what you DC folks do..
Then we will like in ww2 hunt down you Treasonist and if you don’t STAND with this true Nation then you be on the falling side…
This NATION belongs to JESUS CHRIST……. Who has tendered it since its birth….He crushes his ENEMYS.
Good for him! Enjoy it….