The Obama administration is picky regarding the Constitution and when it does and doesn’t apply to religious freedom. If you’re a Christian pharmacist who doesn’t want to deliver baby-killing pills to someone, you can be expected to be fired and castigated on national television.
But if you’re a pair of Muslim truck drivers, you can refuse to deliver beer and be awarded over $200,000 for doing so. Let’s repeat that: If it is against your religion to assist in murder, you should be fired and vilified.
But if it’s against your religion to do something as benign as deliver beer, you can expect reward and even adoration.
And our POTUS will even help you.
Check out the double-standard on page 2.
obama is converting our nation to islam with democrats helping at the ballot box
But we can’t even pray,remember all this when time to vote. Then get rid of this sick corrupted government and judges
Yet they can disgrace and fine deeply a Christian baker who refuses because of their own faith make a wedding cake for a gay couple. OUR COUNTRY HAS BECOME SO ONE WAY AND SO SCREWED UP.
So wrong–should pay muslims NOTHING—we are America !!
We should deliver Obama to them now that would be $240K well spent.
If they were workingfora”Beer” Company, what else could they beexpectedto deliver ?????
Obama’s amerika. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Those judges are doing a bad job and should be removed! Can’t fix stupid.
That just shows ya how crooked the Administration is.
Just give them more money, they know ow to cheat America