The Obama administration is picky regarding the Constitution and when it does and doesn’t apply to religious freedom. If you’re a Christian pharmacist who doesn’t want to deliver baby-killing pills to someone, you can be expected to be fired and castigated on national television.
But if you’re a pair of Muslim truck drivers, you can refuse to deliver beer and be awarded over $200,000 for doing so. Let’s repeat that: If it is against your religion to assist in murder, you should be fired and vilified.
But if it’s against your religion to do something as benign as deliver beer, you can expect reward and even adoration.
And our POTUS will even help you.
Check out the double-standard on page 2.
Why — a Muslim takeover ? Where is the impeachment ?? ….
If you don’t want to work under The US laws, maybe you shouldn’d be living here!!!
This is totally bizarre!
Roy Hamrick You are right on!
The company didn’t only deliver beer, the Muslim guys normally delivered other things, they were working for a beer company. Normally I am spot on with this group, but facts are left out to push the agenda. Honestly the company could have easily had another non-Muslim driver deliver the alcohol, but refused, and this is why the company got in trouble.
Why should ANYONE be surprised ????
Why did the beer company hire the Muslim for in the first place?
But we fire a High School coach in Washington State for praying. Perfect liberal logic !! Only in what’s left of America could this happen.