Telling people that you hate them and that you are taking over their country certainly is not a very nice thing to do. And it’s clearly intolerant. Thus, we should expect the left, those self-anointed guardians of tolerance and diversity, to immediately attack such provocative and bigoted threats.
In this case, we would be mistaken. Because this is London and these words are being uttered by Muslims, those of the same faith as the mayor of that once great Western capital.
The video on the next page is very disturbing. Yet it is also very revealing. These Muslim residents of London make no effort to hide their ultimate goal, the take over of London, if not the entire country, and replacing its religious, cultural, and legal traditions that have been under development for millennia with the utterly foreign and incompatible beliefs and practices of radical Islam.
More on page two.
Muslim is violent religious
Do these stupid liberals see this when they want us to accept more muslims? Obama, is this the peaceful muslims you were talking about?
Kill the muslim garbage where ever it can be found
It is 72 virgins and rivers of honey. But the point is the only way to change a 1000 year old beliefs ( not a religion) is either kill off all of them or force them to pay a price high enough they kill themselves.
No your not get the hell out
GP find jesus
AMEN Brother in CHRIST!!!
I agree, James Harrison, however, human history teaches that nations, who enjoyed the blessings, and protection of God, have lost those blessings, and protection, when they have turned away fro God. We, as a nation, have permitted the perversion of the intention, of our founders, and have enacted laws, and regulations, which offend our Creator. The ballance has been tipped, and evil is heavy, until Good people assert themselves, and vehemently stand together, to stand for Truth’ Life, and our inallienable rights, as bestowed upon us, by our Creator. Evil will thrive, when Good people stand by, and do nothing.
This is what happens when you allow a Muslim invasion of your country…these people are NOT refugees, they are rabid animals that need to be exterminated…JACK
What they didn’t tell them. It’s 72 male virgins. They’re going to be disappointed when they find out they’re not goats.