It is literally okay now to throw your baby out the window in the U.S. if didn’t get around to having an abortion before giving birth.
And it makes sense in a way. We’re not a nation of idiots, right? We all know that it’s an illogical double-standard to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to save a premature baby in the ICU if the mother loved her baby, but chop another woman’s baby of the same size to bits, in the same hospital, if she decided to just kill her baby.
Did you know 13 states actually have laws mandating a 2nd doctor be present during a 3rd term abortion just in case the baby is born alive?! How does that make sense?!
The liberal agenda is a slow progression. Once abortion was legalized it was only going to be a matter of time until killing a child of any age was given a get out of jail free card. Liberals are also trying to save the trees or the planet and human life is the number one pollutant, you know.
So when you take a young Muslim woman, in the liberal city of Chicago, that turned out twisted politicians like Obama and Rahm Emanuel, you better believe a crooked judge is in place taking baby killing and ‘tolerance” to the next level, more on the next page
This is the very reason that these imbeciles need to be gone. What is our country coming to when we allow murder to be committed without consequence?
Should throw her out of a 10 story window
It is the law of our land. They knew that when they came here so they should suffer the same consequences as we do. I do not understand why they are not being arrested. Religion has nothing to do with it. She murdered a child.
For whatever reason, sometimes women (not only muslims) hear thoughts in their mind to throw a baby forcefully down. Some recognize it is evil n instead, hold the baby closer in their arms.
I wonder if this is something hormone related or just plain evil targeting innocents.
what kind of horseshit is that? they let her off with probation? what is this world coming to?
Maybe we should go back to using “an eye for an eye” punishment theory. Throw her out of the same window.
Shouldn’t we do the same to her ?
what kind of horseshit is this? she only got probation for throwing her newborn out the window? what is this world coming to?
What is America coming to? So what message you are sending America that it’s ok to kill your baby if you’re afraid of your parents?? Would anyone other than a Muslim get probation? Wow! Where are our laws. Murder is murder! Take back America!!!
I bet it was a girl..