You’ve no doubt read the headlines this month that say that Donald Trump kicked a Muslim out of one of his rallies. They say that the ejection was unprovoked. They claim that she was heckled simply for being a Muslim. They are all ridiculous.
Rose Hamin was there to disrupt the rally. She’s admitted that herself. By standing in silent protest, she was attempting to steal attention from Trump, and that itself is grounds to be objected.
While the media is trying to spin the actions — and the crowd — as anti-Muslim, Hamid first said that those surrounding her were openly supportive of her attendance before she tried to upstage the candidate. It was only after she stood to protest did the crowd turn on her. It wasn’t because of her religion, it was because of her actions.
Well, it turns out the media’s Muslim darling Rose Hamid isn’t the angel they’re making her out to be. See why on the next page:
Whose we? The number of ignorant Dumbasses that share your views is miniscule to the entire population. There are more Muslim Americans than there are ignorant people who think like you.
There are more Muslim Americans providing for this country than all of you idiots put together could even hope to accomplish with your petty lives. I’ll keep the Muslims and rather kick you ignorant, inbred Fucktards out of my America.
truth and (in) action ministries. a extreme right wing evangelical group. historically have problems with fact checking. keep on changing their name. google them. i’m not saying they are liars. am saying they are lying sacks of$#%&!@*
Gods plan is not racial and so there we have two groups who have decided to look beyond God for whatever reason. To make peace is a matter of offering a table and talking about the issues that both sides have. Like Barry, these groups decided that it was not a good idea to negotiate with terrorist, even though they take on the roll as terrorist themselves. In other words they have decided to follow a dark path and move away from the peace objective. Obviously because of money. On a lighter note, 1015 The Hawking believes black holes have soft hair and who are we to argue?
Krish Bali Retard, peddle your ignorant rants elsewhere! The lying garbage your spewing is stinking up facebook!!!
P.S., It’s not just a religion, it’s a political ideology just like communism!!!
prison for Obama and his minions
prison for Obama and his minions
Krish Bali , were you born here ? How about your boyfriend/ husband ? This is my America , along with millions others … If you cla to be an American then drop the Muslim and just say, I am an American … Can’t do that can you ? And exactly what have Muslims accomplished ?besides harvesting goats and following a religion , and I use the word loosely, that calls for killing infadels ? When your Muslim king leaves office what will you do ?
Krish Bali , so you are saying there is more Muslims then ignorant people ? I say they could be one of the same … Let me ask a question … What do you think should happen to me if I fail to convert to Islam ? How would you treat me ?