Muslim TV Anchor Lauded for Hijab While Christian Host is Scolded for ‘Inappropriate’ Cross

The PC press have struck once again. Hijabs are in, but crosses are out.

Former CNN host Lara Baldesarra responded to the news that Canada was celebrating its first hijab-wearing Muslim news anchor by asserting that she was warned against wearing a Christian cross while on air.

Toronto’s CityNews network “suddenly has its first hijab-wearing news anchor on commercial television,” with Ginella Massa asserting that it “shouldn’t be a big deal.”

With network bosses lauding the move as a big leap forward for “diversity,” Massa used the spotlight to go on an anti-Donald Trump rant, claiming that his presidency will lead to Islamophobia and “hatred” towards Muslims.

However, when it comes to “diversity,” Christian presenters who want to display their religious faith while on air haven’t been made to feel quite as welcome.

Former CNN host Lara Baldesarra responded to my sardonic tweet that “the reaction to a Christian wearing a giant cross would be just as sympathetic,” by tweeting, “Any guesses which channel told me it was “inappropriate” for me to wear my cross on air?”


Baldesarra’s tweet was likely in reference to CNN, as it appears she never worked for CityNews. But the discrepancy in reaction between symbols of Muslim and Christian faith represents a disturbing trend in the industry. Islam is celebrated while Christians are being forced to hide their ‘inappropriate’ faith.

Source: Info Wars



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