Barack Obama has certainly left a lasting impression on America. While the positive effects of his legacy are debatable (if they exist at all) he’s certainly left a ripple in the fabric of this country and how its citizens view each other. Perhaps all of this unrest has been sitting beneath the surface lying dormant for years or perhaps it was all part of a greater plan. Conspiracy theories aside, there’s a great number of issues that people tend to disagree on. For example, because of comments that President Obama said during his last few days in office, the left seems to be slightly confused about Israel, and by slightly I mean they have no idea why they think the way they do beyond the fact that they heard somebody say it.
How else would we get to a point where people love Islam and hate Israel? It’s baffling. But a recent story coming out of Texas shows that there is some hope. A teacher at the Children’s Courtyard in South Arlington tweeted some remarks about Jews and is now under investigation. As she should be.
Find out what she said on the next page.
Lynn Lasseigne – it probably has a lot to do with the Common Core. Like learning an entirely new language/way of thinking. It’s confusing and awful!! I really hope Trump follows through and gets rid of it nationwide
Send them back to their country now
She should never be teaching our children
Deport her
Deport her!
Why isn’t it legal (yet) to just kill these vermin?
Looks like a total$#%&!@*
I’ll kill you
The Obstructionist Liberal idiots in America’s Government and abroad, as well as their supporters are like a hamster on its wheel running in circles on their “liberal feedback loop” of “lies and disinformation,”. They couldn’t get a fact straight if their lives depended on it. Their “identity politics” reveal them to be “unintelligent,” “incapable of research,”” spreaders of lies,” “disinformation,” and “smear tactics!” They are completely brainwashed by a News Media who is the biggest threat to Americans and their Freedoms in this country. They utilize globalist cabal and CIA subliminal tactics to undermine our duly elected representatives while constantly trying to sell us another b******t story, then covering up, or failing to report the actual facts. President Trump is Awesome. He has done more good for our country in the past 2 months than Obama was capable of in 8 years. Give the man your support or emulate the pedophilic Hollywood eltists and move to hell out of our country. The Vast Majority of Americans Support President Trump and don’t give a damn what the liberals think unless you are the Corrupt News media who promotes them or George Soros who bankrolls them. . With mass Islamic migration comes all the barbaric practices their religion and laws have to offer the West. Whether it’s child marriage, rape, persecution, or slaughter, the devout worshipers aren’t about to leave the examples their prophet modeled for them in order to follow un-Islamic Western laws. Of course, this is perpetuated by the left’s drug induced “pipe dream” that all cultures are equal, even ones with a founder who beheaded, enslaved, and conquered through his unsuspecting hosts’ hospitality!
Muslims suck