A muslim scholar celebrated the extinction of Germans on a talk show this past week, stating that having blue eyes and blonde hair are no longer German features and that soon being German will mean wearing a hijab. The worst part about this is that it took place on a German talk show, and not only were regular German folk not upset about these claims, they were applauding them.
It would seem that people would rather cheer for the extinction of their own race than be considered a racist.
This same Muslim “scholar” is also responsible for publishing the first German translation of the Quran and introducing Islamic education into German public schools. Apparently it was such a huge success that six of her students left Germany and journeyed to Syria to join ISIS.
But wait, Islam isn’t a religion of violence . . . right? Wrong!
Watch this scholar speak on the next page.
You only allow what you accept.
You Can’t Beat a Birth Rate !
Them Germans are some stupid sonsabitches letting them goat humpers take over that COUNTRY$#%&!@*Muslims I’m American born n bred I’d rather be dead well some of them BASTARDS before me my daughter want wear that Fucking headscarf c**p
this is the great delusion
You assholes are lying again, rather still…….spending too much time with demorats !
My German ancestors are rolling over in their graves!!!!!
We in America are on the brink of being swallowed in a cultural war with Islam, and not only do a substantial number of Americans (specifically Democrats/liberals) not see it coming or deny it’s here, but like the poison apple given to Snow White, they embrace it under the guise of political correctness and diversity. Islam has no intent of embracing American culture and values. Its well documented doctrines are from the pit of hell, and those same doctrines display themselves in the actions of ISIS and other places where Islam is in control of a nation. Like cancer, Islam will not be put down without a specific consistent action plan. Without such a plan that is aggressive and immediate, this cancer will only get worse until it kills American values and our Constitutional government. Obama and Lynch are traitors.
You Germans were dumb in ww1 and ww2 and now you are ignorant y’all are not smart enough to figure out that those ragehead Muslims are going to steal your country you had better start killing them now because death is all they understand
Cut off their heads and feed them to the hogs then they will really be pissed off and that’s the best part when they protest shoot their stinking butts with pork ground up in shotgun sheels ooo they will really hate you then then while they are in a crowd spray gas on them and set them on fire and throw in a pig now they are mad ha ha ha
Why would any country let this happen.. People really want us to slip back into the dark ages. Muhammad was a pedophile, woman torturing false prophet.
We are on the same path here in America under Obama, and will continue should we continue under another democrat for a president. This country needs a revival and gast!