A muslim scholar celebrated the extinction of Germans on a talk show this past week, stating that having blue eyes and blonde hair are no longer German features and that soon being German will mean wearing a hijab. The worst part about this is that it took place on a German talk show, and not only were regular German folk not upset about these claims, they were applauding them.
It would seem that people would rather cheer for the extinction of their own race than be considered a racist.
This same Muslim “scholar” is also responsible for publishing the first German translation of the Quran and introducing Islamic education into German public schools. Apparently it was such a huge success that six of her students left Germany and journeyed to Syria to join ISIS.
But wait, Islam isn’t a religion of violence . . . right? Wrong!
Watch this scholar speak on the next page.
By law, Hillary Clinton cannot be president or hold any office now, (factually speaking). Next up: indictment. But don’t wait! Sign this petition NOW for Bernie Sanders! Need 100,000 signatures……. Why bother with ALL her problems?? So I don’t! Easy. If you are always defending someone, this is your clue-less! (red flags) No one defends Bernie, for obvious reasons… He is the leader…. #FeelTheBernIntegrity
Share this link everywhere>>>>
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ยง 2071(b) –
Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same… shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.
Germany deport these muslim’s
If Germans fall for this stupid$#%&!@*they’re just walking back into$#%&!@*all over again.
that petition means exactly jack$#%&!@*when it comes to politics. Me taking a$#%&!@*, whipping my$#%&!@*and flushing is as relevant as that petition. Please don’t go hide and cry in you safe place now.
To bad for them political correctness is a real threat
Trying for world$#%&!@*…….!!
Sick people
Bye bye Europe
The Aryans wiped out by the goat fuckers
Too much political correctness. is bad ! They lost their country ,how sad !