The Jersey City Board of Education voted not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, allegedly one of the most important holidays for Muslims.
Really? Ask any Muslim…every one of their innumerable holidays is vitally important.
School board members in New Jersey made their decision Thursday despite appeals from Muslim attendees who showed up to advocate that the board change the school schedule. The decision and response is on the next page:
The dead majority
Joe the idiot has spoken . Yawn . Go away moron . Idiots like you are why we get stuck with losers like Obama. Dumbed down indeed . Just another useful idiot . Your pathetic .
Photos get the message thru faster and people remember them longer . I learned that in the military. Don’t ask I’d have to kill you . Lol
Not if we get a decent president that cuts off food stamps and welfare
A dead majority.
If they don’t like our laws, they’re free to leave. In fact, please do.
Not if I can help it
Regardless of what you say ‘Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world’. why not spend some time to find out why!
No you`ll never be the majority. We are the real American people an were not goin anywhere. just try us an see. We`ll WIN!!!
You got this on inside information, woman?! Dream on!