The Jersey City Board of Education voted not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, allegedly one of the most important holidays for Muslims.
Really? Ask any Muslim…every one of their innumerable holidays is vitally important.
School board members in New Jersey made their decision Thursday despite appeals from Muslim attendees who showed up to advocate that the board change the school schedule. The decision and response is on the next page:
Not a radical Muslim ???? Ha !!
Right… Only until we cut them back down to size. And with the kind of guns we have it won’t take long. They will make good target practice.
I had a bad feeling when I first saw Obumdum !! And it’s getting worse !!! He admitted he’s Muzzie !!
Shut up already!!!
And they still won’t make me fallow your sharia law.
What are those idiots up to now I know that I’m from the other side of my country we will never forget that you are still our enemies so don’t ever think you can be with us unless YOU change your ways of thinking
or they will send a ‘clock’ to school
Sit down and shut up