The Jersey City Board of Education voted not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, allegedly one of the most important holidays for Muslims.
Really? Ask any Muslim…every one of their innumerable holidays is vitally important.
School board members in New Jersey made their decision Thursday despite appeals from Muslim attendees who showed up to advocate that the board change the school schedule. The decision and response is on the next page:
SEAN MUSLIMS can lie and go outside their beliefs if it’s to promote Islam and it’s ideology . It’s in the Quran.
Islam is a throw back to pagan god worship . The moon god Allah is their god. See the Cresent moon on their flags and mosques ? See that their holy events start and end with the moons stages . They pray to a,black meteorite at mecca,. See moon god Allah on you tube . Or the black stone of mecca . Wake up .
Your an idiot
Ship them all back to kajerkajerkstan
Obama wants America to be a Muslim Nation
If you think this is not a threat………then keep your head buried in the sand!!!! It is just beginning…….why in the world are they here? Why are they here? Open your eyes America…….it is not because they will assimilate……….they come here to destroy what we have and make it into the hell whole they left behind!!!!!
Yes, you are going to be the majority on the slow boat back to the desert where you belong! Get out and take your flawed religion and your problematic existence with you on your journey back to your cesspool. See Ya!
Cory Weiss last tag i promise
she said they will be the majority soon
You do not have any rights here in the U.S.. Acceptt your freebie’s and keep your mouth shut.