The Jersey City Board of Education voted not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, allegedly one of the most important holidays for Muslims.
Really? Ask any Muslim…every one of their innumerable holidays is vitally important.
School board members in New Jersey made their decision Thursday despite appeals from Muslim attendees who showed up to advocate that the board change the school schedule. The decision and response is on the next page:
That is a lie the #USA CAUSED 9-11
The true intentions ,destroy the USA from within… These need to be deported,,,,,such animals, suppose you can’t fix retards.
Can’t nukem either, cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast.
Obama will see to that.
Satan created islam you fool.
Well Monster Stomp your way to a White Neighborhood, Miss Muffin.
Go home Muslim
Muslim scumbag we the people will deal with you stone age pigs
Women of the world unite …….Muslim Shariah law only benefits Male Muslims. Anyone else will suffer.
If you are Gay, a musician, a woman, a child, a non Muslim, then you will suffer. The Constitution empowers everyone, the Shariah empowers those in power at the expense of the lives of those who don’t follow a barbaric creed of hate given to Muslims by the Quran .