The outrageousness makes it hard to believe, but Muslim jihadists have established dozens of no-go zones right inside our own country and that have been permitted to operate freely for many years. The enclaves are formed by the Muslims of America (MOA), but in actuality they are Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakastan Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda related branch.
Of course, Muslim no-go zones are well-known to exist in France, but many still don’t know they exist here right inside our borders. They are left to their own devices, which includes training in guerilla warfare and even open recruitment efforts.
Take them back
I do? Wierd. I haven’t lived there in decades.
You just said in your previous comment that there are terrorist training sites in every state ; something the fbi and thousands of sherdog depts across the country say is not true. It’s either a lie you told or you don’t know what you are talking about. The first amendment doesn’t protect a person from looking like a fool. You Did it to yourself.
Hopefully Trump will not allow enemy outposts to remain in existence within the US.
I know how they can be made GO ZONES again. Take several A-10 Warthogs, and declare it to be open season on IKCO automobiles. The greenone’s are in season.
One large boot should do it.
Well I wonder if Americans took those camps out in protest, peaceful protest of course, if they would make any the arrest then
But you hear Americans swear what’s happening in Europe could not happen here…