Mostafa Ahmed Awwad, a 35 year-old Naval civilian engineer from Yorktown, Va., was apprehended after he gave computer drawings of the USS Gerald R. Ford to an FBI agent posing as an Egyptian intelligence officer, and even discussed where to shoot the vessel in order to sink it.
Knew this was coming
Hilary’s #2 has immediate family that hold high positions in the Muslim Brotherhood.
How deep? All the way to the top. Democrats have allowed this to infiltrate our govt and should be held accountable.
Keel haul hi on the carrier!!
firing squad before end of the day should have happened
Kill him and don’t let anymore of them around, that easy, ,NONE of them can be trusted. ,PERIOD
There is no place for immigrants any place in our government or military or anywhere else!!! Send them back to their own country!!!
Isnt that treason?!!
Muslims are up to no good. Busy killing infidels.
Infiltration is very, very deep.