Mostafa Ahmed Awwad, a 35 year-old Naval civilian engineer from Yorktown, Va., was apprehended after he gave computer drawings of the USS Gerald R. Ford to an FBI agent posing as an Egyptian intelligence officer, and even discussed where to shoot the vessel in order to sink it.
why is a MUslim in a position that would give him or her access to our secrets!?
kill him
Should be shot for espionage!
How deep is the infiltration????? They are in very high US government!! They own you!!
Automatic firing squad
He’s a traitor- arrest him and keep looking for more – they all are not here for our good.
When will they learn that you can’t trust a Muslim!! They are told from birth that it’s OK to lie, cheat, steal, rape and kill a non-Muslim.
All the way to the White House in the Oval Office
time to rid our country of these devilish muslims too.