Before Omar Mateen brutally murdered nearly 50 men and women at an Orlando gay bar, he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. In spite of this, some Americans can’t contain themselves from blaming the Christian right for the perpetuating anti-gay propaganda that they claim inspired the attack.
The amount of reasons why this claim is preposterous is endless, but here are a few: First, the man was a Muslim who acted in the name of his Muslim faith. This has nothing to do with Christianity. Second, the man wasn’t inspired by anti-gay attitudes. If anything, he was disgusted by the lack of condemnation of those in the gay community. Third, we have no evidence that the attack specifically targeted the LGBT community in the first place. Evidence suggests that Omar Mateen was himself a gay man, who had frequented the nightclub many times before the attack.
But if you insist that this was an attack specifically aimed at the gay community, there is someone to blame beyond Mateen. No, it isn’t Christianity. It’s Islam. Even so-called “moderate” role models in the religion are calling for the murder and dismemberment of those in the gay community.
Meanwhile, America’s Social Justice Warriors are pretending not to notice.
See one such “moderate” make that very claim in the video on the next page:
Do they know Obozo is gay ???
And you people still want to vote Hillary? She’s bringing in 65,000 more that want to kill you
I have one punishment for islamo terrorists,DEATH
humm but omg you rape kids/wemon/murder ppl.. omong alot of sick twisted stuff … you do not belong in a civialized world–you need to relocate — hummm- back to were you came from.
This is a sick ideology. There is no “love thy neighbor” as Lynch implies. These people are sick Satanists, a blight on humanity.
we need to chop heads off Muslims see how they like it being done to their people.
Ah yes. A liberal’s darling.
Radicalism is not a religion. It is a cult.
Who do these people think that they are trying to control others sex lives. Apparently they cannot control their own, raping children, and they cannot support their own families, why do they think they can run our lives???
This is for the people who wanted Obama and Hillary you got it