The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently decided to review a 2012 First Amendment complaint brought by Christians who were assaulted by a Muslim mob that bloodied them with rocks and bottles at an Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan.
The Christians walked through the festival with signs and t-shirts that promoted Christianity and were met with a very hostile attack.
It`s time to fight fire with fire, so to speak. Kill these savages now!
And they have the nerve to be demanding and claim they are mistreated. Now who is mistreating who? They all need to leave.
I’d, shoot back ,and not rocks
Why Rob why?
wtf Erik wtf?
We do not need more hate in this country! Send them all back where they came from where people act like this! They are barbarians and Devil advocates! I have never seen a group of people that thrive on hate, the men are sick twisted pedophilias that marry little girls as young as 7 years old, they cut body parts off of women and will gouge their eye’s and kill them, and there is no justice for the women! They are used as breeders and maids, women are worthless to this culture! There is always chaos and turmoil in the streets… what a miserable life! At some point do they not see the evil they are doing!
Someone should of had a gun and shot for fear of their life..If it had been other way around , it would have been a hate crime & all over the news . Christians need to start takeing up arms and protecting themselves and their family & friends.
Why didn’t the Americans and Christians pick up the bottles and throw them back.My bible tells me to turn the other cheek to my brother. (my brothers are fellow Christians in Christ) Jesus said nothing about taking abuse from the devils demons and Jesus told Peter to pick up his sword.and go forward. Why do you suppose he said that??? They just haven’t stumbled across the right group yet..
Overdue, jerk-as* 6th Circuit Court of Appeals
these people are dummer than Rocks