The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently decided to review a 2012 First Amendment complaint brought by Christians who were assaulted by a Muslim mob that bloodied them with rocks and bottles at an Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan.
The Christians walked through the festival with signs and t-shirts that promoted Christianity and were met with a very hostile attack.
Lets send them back where they came from, and I mean to the country of their origin!
Just kill them all
I don’t know why you all just stand there and take it
I would shoot the Fuk out of them the minute they even approached me
Apparently you forgot that I don’t give a Fuk
Prayers offered up for the goat humpers
The kids are a reflection of the parents, don’t kid yourself.
September 5th, rally with your community. Spread the word. Send the message to Congress, ” Impeach Obama “! Before it’s too late!
So there are bad muslim parents just like there are bad christian parents and bad jewish parents….no surprise there…
Muslims this is for you and I am a Christian I hope just one of u throw something at me just once
Here Muslims have some good old mountain oysters
Im to the point. I can’t stand Muslims never been prejudice in my life