The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently decided to review a 2012 First Amendment complaint brought by Christians who were assaulted by a Muslim mob that bloodied them with rocks and bottles at an Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan.
The Christians walked through the festival with signs and t-shirts that promoted Christianity and were met with a very hostile attack.
Shoot the idiots
These people should have picked up what ever those stupid idiots where throwing and throw it back at these idiots
Where are the cops on this? I would have fought them back too!! I would not take that from those people at all! I am going to start carrying bacon, pork sausage or bag pig c**p to throw on them! Ha! Take that!!
Christians: It’s past time to become militant and begin with your calling for the banning of Islam inside our borders.
muslims need to leave this country, and I mean, right now!
I wish they would try that here…
Shoot the Muslims , and shoot to kill.
You don’t get into heaven with a SELFIE with a SAVIOR, you get into heaven SURRENDERED to a SAVIOR!! I wonder the greater INJUSTICE? Dying without knowing JESUS, or dying never heard of JESUS? We cannot be SILENT! JESUS DIED, ROSE, and is COMING AGAIN! Do NOT leave this post WITHOUT asking JESUS to save you BEFORE it’s too late!
Pray this and mean it! JESUS I, A) ACCEPT your free salvation, B) BELIEVE you did it for me, C) CONFESS my sins, and D) DO A, B, and C! #thehumanright
I bet if it were Muslims, athiests, proabortionists, animal rights activists, homosexuals, hurt in protest, they would be all in the media crying their discrimination, yet CHRISTians we are told we brought it on our selves, our rights are not the same anymore, time for us to stand up and be real CHRISTians and not back down!!