The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently decided to review a 2012 First Amendment complaint brought by Christians who were assaulted by a Muslim mob that bloodied them with rocks and bottles at an Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan.
The Christians walked through the festival with signs and t-shirts that promoted Christianity and were met with a very hostile attack.
real nice mr obama
I can’t say what I would like to say on Face book.
Jake Hollywood says:
“Make it $10,000,000 payout this time! or $1,000,000 per person thay was violated or per offense that was commited! I saw the video and the police were clearly wrong in not enforcing the law, then after the Christians did in fact leave they were pulled over and detained down the street from then event! They were swarmed by police cars and surrounded by police.”
Make it $10,000,000 payout this time! or $1,000,000 per person thay was violated or per offense that was commited! I saw the video and the police were clearly wrong in not enforcing the law, then after the Christians did in fact leave they were pulled over and detained down the street from then event! They were swarmed by police cars and surrounded by police.
They must be stopped
do not put up with this
I thought they were suppose to be peaceful.
This is America not Iraq!! Arrest those animals and criminals lock them up…that’s assault with a deadly weapon and that’s a crime. Christians are law abiding citizens and still protected under the constitution and deserve protection against willful threats of any kind of risk and endangering their lives.
Muslim or moron that Muhamed dude just radical retard he was senile
Muslims are very violent people when they don”t get their way……