The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently decided to review a 2012 First Amendment complaint brought by Christians who were assaulted by a Muslim mob that bloodied them with rocks and bottles at an Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan.
The Christians walked through the festival with signs and t-shirts that promoted Christianity and were met with a very hostile attack.
Give them a big fried prokchop, a glass of sweet tea and then send them to HELL!
Feed them PORK, and lots of it.
i would thorw back 357 lead rounds into the muslim goat raping $#%&!@*s
Carry fire power!
Deport these barbarians!
Cops always want to get the peoples and let the bad peoples go.
You Know,if US started a housecleaning of all of our illusterious leaders we would have no government ,no police we would be foot loose and fancy free and not a think in the world to bellyache /
I am very sick of seeing these Muslims targeting Christians. This is AMERICA. Adhere to OUR laws, or go home!
Muslims have to go!!!!!