Slitting throats, a synonymous gesture to beheading, coming from a Muslim refugee causes concern, especially when broadcast to the world. This Muslim refugee, arriving in Budapest, dressed in decent western garb, looking directly into the news camera and making a slicing motion across his throat should create a raised awareness that all is not as it may seem.
Is this young man and his companion running for their lives from ISIS, or are they riding the tide of immigrants entering western European countries?
Check out the video on page 2 and see for yourself:
Les réfugiés en Europe doivent s’habiller sans se cacher la figure et même sans soutane et on détectera ceux qui tenteront de faire du mal aux gens. Un pe$#%&!@* chapeau sur la tête fait la joie à un islamique. Evitons la méchanceté sur toutes les terres. Faisons la paix et Jéhovah-Dieu nous bénira tous avec la paix durable. Job 34: 10.Shalom et paix à tous.
ban islam and deport them all be for they kill you , when they start killing us it will be open season on you fking muslims.
they all will one way or the other.
They have infiltrated every part of the world where every border opens up for them shame on all of you you just signed over your life to be taken with ease WOW
I see your cut throat jester and raise you…………………
Kill him now
Illegal terrorist!!!