Donald Trump supporters have been victims of violence in every one of Trump’s rallies in California so far, but his latest in San Jose may have been the worst yet. While many, including the mayor, have blamed Trump for the chaos, many protestors are hiding behind their race or religion as a way to justify their actions.
A poster on Twitter who identifies as a Black Muslim man claims to have been the person seen on news video chasing and tackling a young white male Trump supporter following a Trump rally in San Jose Thursday. Using the Twitter handle “Houdini @sizzle_seyf”, the man posted the news video and retweeted congratulations on his chasing and tackling the Trump supporter.
Before the Trump rally, Houdini had been posting about “My Ramadan.”
“#ramadanconfessions me and the homies would stain Super America and come to the masjid for iftar”
“Nigga trump be picking the wrong cities to go to fuckin clown smh #sanjose #fucktrump”
Here are the still images of anti-Trump Muslim “Houdini” chasing and tacking a Trump supporter leaving the rally in San Jose, California.
Before the Trump rally, Houdini had been posting about “My Ramadan.”
Thankfully, many within the Latino or Muslim populations are standing up to these protestors who have tried to use their minority status as justification for violence. The video below shows a Latino for Trump supporter confronting one such man.
Source: The Gateway Pundit
Elisa Griffith LOL. You are the blind one nutjob.
Eric Fuller you must be some sheltered little rich boy.
Now you know why California doesn’t want people to conceal carry.
I hope this fool was arrested.
3 weeks ago
Diamond Yardmasters in Tucson, Arizona supports Donald J. Trump for president by offering to clean yards displaying Trump signs free of charge!
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Wake up Roxanne, they’ll never impeach Obama! They would and should have done it long ago.
hmmmmm wonder what would have happened if that person was armed and defended himself against that attack because he ran like he was in fear of his life ?????maybe this$#%&!@*would stop …..