Roman Catholic schools in the UK provoked outrage when they announced that they would not teach students about Islam in religious studies courses, opting instead to make lesson plans revolving around Judaism.
This move was brought about by recent changes in the British educational system which mandated that schools must teach about two religions as opposed to one, although it is up to individual schools to determine which two they would cover in classes.
These reforms were necessitated by a recent attempt to indoctrinate Muslim students in Birmingham with radical teachings, convincing educators of the need to combat religious fundamentalism in schools.
Keep reading to see how religious leaders reacted to the Catholic schools’ decision:
Bullying…no deal
Go to a Muslim School and demand they teach the truth!!! Allah is Satan, it says so in their own unholy book the Koran! It says: Allah is the greatest of all deceivers!
Don’t believe it folks, they would kill you if they saw you wearing a cross, and if you have a bible it a death sentence so they can’t reach about Christ without the bible so no it would be their version.
They should, They should teach about the crusade and how the Christians had to defeat the Muslims to stop the take over of the world!
Atheism is a religion! Anyway thanks to Obama some Schools actually teach about Islam!
Get over it
To bad.
Actually Islam is being taught in American schools even though I thought that no RELIGION should be taught.
280 million murdered by Islam. They should teach it.