Roman Catholic schools in the UK provoked outrage when they announced that they would not teach students about Islam in religious studies courses, opting instead to make lesson plans revolving around Judaism.
This move was brought about by recent changes in the British educational system which mandated that schools must teach about two religions as opposed to one, although it is up to individual schools to determine which two they would cover in classes.
These reforms were necessitated by a recent attempt to indoctrinate Muslim students in Birmingham with radical teachings, convincing educators of the need to combat religious fundamentalism in schools.
Keep reading to see how religious leaders reacted to the Catholic schools’ decision:
Americans are going to have to stick together.
They come from the same tree.
Whoa! Back up the bus fools. We pay good money to send our kids to Catholic School to learn about our God. The whole idea being to protect them from religions zealots who believe in mistreatment of women, killing of gays and so many more unacceptable behaviors that are acted out in most universal societies where Islam exists.
Stupidity you let these Satan worshipers in your country deal with it they will take over if you dont
You can t even go to church in syria! I was there!
F**e news they will not
Does the islamic religion teach positive things about christians?
The U.S. has no such problem. We don’t allow anything about religion to be taught in school.
Go back to your$#%&!@*hole if you don’t like it
Okay, go to a Muslim country and preach Christianity, your head will chopped off. These Muslim scumbags come here and want to caliphate Christians countries. Wake up before its too late.