As one might have expected, Muslim leaders were not at all happy about the Roman Catholic Church instructing it’s schools to snub Islam for Judaism. Breitbart reports:
“Sir Iqbal Sacranie, former secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, urged Catholic leader Cardinal Vincent Nichols to rethink the ban.
Sir Iqbal said: ‘This is not a good decision. It does not reflect well on the messages that are coming out from the Church for greater tolerance of other faiths.’
‘This is a difficult time for religions and the last thing you would expect is a major faith making such a statement.’”
On the other hand, some argued that individuals like Sir Iqbal were making a mountain out of a molehill. Breitbart adds:
“Rabbi Jonathan Romain, the minister of Maidenhead Synagogue in Berkshire, said the matter is simply one of freedom of choice: ‘I urge all religious authorities to allow individual heads the freedom to decide what is best for pupils.'”
Leaving educational decisions to educators? What an idea!
The Pope says it, so it must be true. Join Islam all Catholics
they don’t have to you pieces of s**t
Oh well stupid
Catholics don’t need to explain why they will never teach about about a mortal enemy!
Never gonna happen, no reason for our children to know your culture or religion. Hopefully the vast majority will be removed from our Country.
Wonder if they will be teaching about Christianity in the madrases.
many schools in the US are making their students learn about Islam
Joyce Young Pogue I meant my original post sarcastically and because I thought it was true. But, sadly I’m finding the aclu is not challenging this, and apparently neither are parents.