America got a taste of what’s to come this week if the government goes through with its importation of Muslim refugees.
Charged with beating and sexually assaulting a gas station clerk in Mapleton, North Dakota, Somalian immigrant Abdulrahman Ali has flatly refused to show up in court to account for his crime. Ali lived in the US for 4 years before he attempted to forcibly kiss the clerk before throwing and locking her in the women’s bathroom, where he molested and assaulted her. She attempted to escape at one point only for him to throw her against the wall. This lasted until police finally arrived and broke the door down after he refused to unlock it, asserting all the while that the bruised woman was his wife.
Disturbingly, although she couldn’t tell what language Ali was speaking, the clerk was able to identify one phrase her assailant said: “Allahu Akbar.”
Click the link below for more about this story:
Despicable miscreants, every one!
Now itsa our turn.
“The report again underscores concerns that the west is importing a real rape culture via the influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.” AND THE RADICAL LIBERALS SAY THAT TRUMP IS WRONG, what more proof do they need,
Awesome. No wonder why they want to bring more of these camel jockeys here, right??? I mean come on that makes prerfect sense. Hillary should have been in that gas station.
Very well said. These people are very uncivilized and are so brainwashed by their own so called religious that suppresses them from evolving. They can never cohabitatete withother cultures. They need to be sent back to their own countries and let them destroy each other. They are inhumane and are unfit to live among us. We americans are way to evolved and I do not want these people forced upon us from our liberal government. We have to get rid of them before they exterminate us.
Islam is incompatible with Western values.
Conceal Carry….a hollow point to the pecker heart and head. Cured.
He should be hung.
Dirty pig
Christine you sure hit that nail dead center.