At least we’ve found one town that is ready to stare down political correctness and call things what they are. In an age where relativism is destroying our ability to communicate clearly, it’s incredibly refreshing to see a town speak plainly and tell the PC crowd to just go away.
The town of Owego is preparing to dedicate a memorial to the lives lost during the 9/11 attacks. Sounds innocent enough, right? The issues is that the memorial mentions the words “Islamic terrorists.” An organization calling itself the “Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier” wants the word “Muslim” removed from the monument.
The town’s reply? Forget it. Move on to the next page to see what the text says:
If it offends them then leave. After all it’s their assholes who created that tragedy. REALLY assholes
Then leave !
Deport them all!
Get out then
Really???? The crazy$#%&!@*continues!!!! After 8 years of Beserk Insane Obama it will take awhile to recover from his stupity!!!!!
Who cares what there think
No more politically correct stupity!!!! Jackass Obama is no longer President and we are getting our country back from the Muslim that worked very hard to destroy the US for 8 years!!!
To fn bad there are alot of things i dont like.i dont sit there and whine and$#%&!@*about it.anyone who sees the 9/11 memorial do you think they like it or feel sad for the people who says exactly where their mindset is.who cares who it offends i was offended when it happened.
To bad who cares what Muslims think ????