At least we’ve found one town that is ready to stare down political correctness and call things what they are. In an age where relativism is destroying our ability to communicate clearly, it’s incredibly refreshing to see a town speak plainly and tell the PC crowd to just go away.
The town of Owego is preparing to dedicate a memorial to the lives lost during the 9/11 attacks. Sounds innocent enough, right? The issues is that the memorial mentions the words “Islamic terrorists.” An organization calling itself the “Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier” wants the word “Muslim” removed from the monument.
The town’s reply? Forget it. Move on to the next page to see what the text says:
Tuff shot asshole
I’ll bet they object to memorial. It is a MEMORIAL saying they murdered Americans–a constant reminder that all of the pilots were from Saudi Arabia and were muslims.
Whose plan was it to settle unvetted, unwanted Muslims in the USA??? The invasion of our country and other countries by Muslims has created chaos, conflict, and violence. Not a good idea. Who is profiting from this plan…
Deport complainers
Go to hell
yeah..killing thousands of americans was offensive.
They are being offensive
to bad get over it!!!!!!!
It was Obama’s plan.
Muslims ARE the reason for 9/11. They should be offended and ashamed for associating themselves with that group. Muslims should have no say about our remembrance for their religion’s violence against our country.