At least we’ve found one town that is ready to stare down political correctness and call things what they are. In an age where relativism is destroying our ability to communicate clearly, it’s incredibly refreshing to see a town speak plainly and tell the PC crowd to just go away.
The town of Owego is preparing to dedicate a memorial to the lives lost during the 9/11 attacks. Sounds innocent enough, right? The issues is that the memorial mentions the words “Islamic terrorists.” An organization calling itself the “Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier” wants the word “Muslim” removed from the monument.
The town’s reply? Forget it. Move on to the next page to see what the text says:
You are the offensive ones. It was Muslims who killed all those innocent people and I for one will never forget.
F**k jihadist Muslim pieces of$#%&!@*
We have 911 coming up. Do people even remember it or care? I am not sure. Seems to me everyone is loving the muslims and will allow them to treat our memorial to 911 like this. We were attacked on our own soil by these muslims and you embrace them..this is sick..
We Americans suggest you not mess with it if you know what is good for you!
to dam bad
No one cares! Our nation is facing many catastrophes! In instead of bitching about Muslims, go help people who just lay their homes due to flood or fire!
Not suprising.
Go to another country and be offended, we don’t want to hear it.