According to a Danish publication, in October of last year a Danish man and three US citizens were assaulted by masked assailants as they walked along the sidewalk just meters from the Danish man’s home. The masked men asked if the Danish man’s friends were American. When he confirmed that they were, they were knocked down, beaten, kicked and threatened with a knife. The parents of the Danish man witnessed the whole thing, when they caught up to their son and his American friends, they were badly beaten and in shock.
When they called the police, they were told that the police were busy and there was “no manpower avaialable.” Probably because they were dealing with other situtations involving Muslims in the area, which the Danish are no strangers to. The parents were told by a dispatcher to take their son and his friends to an emergency clinic, where they waited for three hours. The next day, they were told to file a police report.
Find out how helpful the police were on the next page.
I wish a$#%&!@*would try really better believe thing good whay different
Every Muslim there should been killed. There no place in the world for these Muslim pigs
This is why gun control is the biggest attack on our liberty.It is what turns us from citizen to slave.From my cold dead hands…….When I’m taken out, I”ll have some company,you can count on it.
Hang all of them
Cross that country off the list. Obamas policies have destroyed the whole world.
That is absolutely right,amazing what goes on in front of the “law enforcement” in Berkely, they should be ashamed.
Why the government bring this cockroaches Muslims rag heads Bitches to the USA
Time for America and Russia to team up and eradicate Islamist and today’s Sick Liberal and Progressive.
Liberalism and Progressivism is more of a threat to America than Radical Islamist snakes.
Fight back or be devoured!
You will not get another chance.
Show no mercy… They would have none for your children.
Don’t travel to places that don’t let you carry your gun.