Congressman Keith Ellison failed in his bid to become the next Chair of the DNC in 2016. And that might have been a good thing. Some of it is of his own making as past comments come back to haunt him. Some of it is a result of the leadership of the Democratic Party trying to figure out how to put things back together after Hillary’s devastating loss to Donald Trump. That’s not going to be an easy job.
In fact, just getting someone elected as the DNC’s next chair is proving to be a problem — one made worse by infighting between the White House which unofficially opposes Mr. Ellison, and other powerful forces within the DNC such as Senators Schumer, Warren, and Sanders who support him for the position.
So what part of Mr. Ellison’s past is causing him trouble? See page two for the answer.
agreed with most of what you say Andress Colonel. I was only addressing that one issue at the moment.
Personally I was a liberal until they became just so blind and vicious as a group. When a person is condemed in the USA for rrspecting the USA FLAG AND ANTHEM, respecting the office of the President of the USA, speaking their opinions, believing in Christianity and NOT wanting to allow our government to be controlled by vicious/violent group….. well we are in trouble.
The libs have allowed themselves to be hypnotized, includong not realizing the One World Government take over is alive and trying to force their occupation of the USA. Personally I will not take orders how from a foreign government. Praying mother nature pushes the “It is time to move on ” button for Soros! Yes there others in his group but he seems to be the most aggressive.
Anyway let us pray the USA survives the multiple Trojan Horses invadkng
agreed with most of what you say Andress Colonel. I was only addressing that one issue at the moment.
Personally I was a liberal until they became just so blind and vicious as a group. When a person is condemed in the USA for rrspecting the USA FLAG AND ANTHEM, respecting the office of the President of the USA, speaking their opinions, believing in Christianity and NOT wanting to allow our government to be controlled by vicious/violent group….. well we are in trouble.
The libs have allowed themselves to be hypnotized, includong not realizing the One World Government take over is alive and trying to force their occupation of the USA. Personally I will not take orders how from a foreign government. Praying mother nature pushes the “It is time to move on ” button for Soros! Yes there others in his group but he seems to be the most aggressive.
Anyway let us pray the USA survives the multiple Trojan Horses invading
How did we come to put a Muslim in congress no wander we are in trouble
They should not be in office
Fuk muhamad
F**k islam.
HA – HA!
Well, if he is in the political limelight, what do you expect?
Another Minnesota dumbass !!