Congressman Keith Ellison failed in his bid to become the next Chair of the DNC in 2016. And that might have been a good thing. Some of it is of his own making as past comments come back to haunt him. Some of it is a result of the leadership of the Democratic Party trying to figure out how to put things back together after Hillary’s devastating loss to Donald Trump. That’s not going to be an easy job.
In fact, just getting someone elected as the DNC’s next chair is proving to be a problem — one made worse by infighting between the White House which unofficially opposes Mr. Ellison, and other powerful forces within the DNC such as Senators Schumer, Warren, and Sanders who support him for the position.
So what part of Mr. Ellison’s past is causing him trouble? See page two for the answer.
How easy can we forget the past….remember without the past there is no future…learn from the wisdom of the senior citizens
Figures. A. Wipe
Said it before I’ll say it to the day out of draw my last breath no professing muslim should ever be put in charge of any government office you should not be given any government job he and or she it should never be allowed to be on our military go to work colleges or learn anything about us to take back and give to the enemy it’s just foolish to even let it happen you should never be in our military anywhere around where people could be hurt send them back overseas with a ballon this man thinks it’s so bad here send them overseas for the rest of those Muslims live and see how he likes it there and by the way why am I always hearing about the refugees coming in from Mexico that are illegal what all the Muslims that are here illegally I don’t hear anybody talking about
While we are at it I get so tired of hearing about illegal Mexicans what about all the illegal Muslims that are here when are we going to start throwing and I’m out and deporting them after they kill a bunch of people
The law will destroy America as you know mexicans breed 5or 6 children, by 2040 Americaa will be* brown, and it will be a fight between whites and non whites, when a mexican American or an anchor baby becomes the president of the United States thet day is over folks, he will demolish the Trump wall, he will open the southern border, the white peopleleft will have to defend themselfs but the majority will defend their ” mexican homies” it ‘ll be a civil war, if you don’t shred the 14th A. Right now and if you don’t deport not 11millon but 20 or 30 millons of illegals. When you have more europeans in America, people are not that irrational, there is democracy, like in 1960, from: a third worlder advicing America
He is an evil POS that wants to complete the ruin of this country started by ovomit. He WANTS Sharia law here.
Traitor! The Corrupt Obstructionist RINO’s, Liberal idiots,and “Liberal Educated Idiots” in America’s Government, schools and abroad, along with their ignominious supporters are like a hamster on its wheel running in circles on their “liberal feedback loop” of “lies and disinformation,”. They couldn’t get a fact straight if their lives depended on it. Their “identity politics” reveal them to be “unintelligent,” “incapable of research,”” spreaders of lies,” “disinformation,” and “smear tactics!” They are completely brainwashed by a News Media who is the biggest threat to Americans and their Freedoms in this country. They utilize globalist cabal and CIA subliminal tactics to undermine our duly elected representatives while constantly trying to “sell us,” another “b******t story,” then “covering up,” or failing to report the “actual facts.” President Trump is “Awesome!” He has done more good for our country in the past 2 months, than Obama was capable of in 8 years. Give the man your support or emulate the “pedophilic Hollywood elitists” and move to hell out of our country!. The “Vast Majority of Americans Support President Trump.” and don’t give a damn what the liberals think unless you are the “Corrupt News media,” who promotes them or “George Soros,” who “bankrolls them.” . With mass Islamic migration, comes all the barbaric practices their religion and laws have to offer the West. Whether it’s “child marriage,” “rape, “”persecution,” or “slaughter,” the devout worshipers aren’t about to leave the examples their “prophet” modeled for them in order to follow un-Islamic Western laws. Of course, this is perpetuated by the left’s drug induced “pipe dream” that all cultures are “equal,” even ones with a founder who “beheaded,” “enslaved,” and “conquered.” through his unsuspecting hosts’ “hospitality!” “Beware the Snake” Trump knows whats going on here in our country and in Europe and is trying hard to stop it.
Another Anti American Democratic Politician, who is Not Mentally fit to serve.
deport this moslim