Congressman Keith Ellison failed in his bid to become the next Chair of the DNC in 2016. And that might have been a good thing. Some of it is of his own making as past comments come back to haunt him. Some of it is a result of the leadership of the Democratic Party trying to figure out how to put things back together after Hillary’s devastating loss to Donald Trump. That’s not going to be an easy job.
In fact, just getting someone elected as the DNC’s next chair is proving to be a problem — one made worse by infighting between the White House which unofficially opposes Mr. Ellison, and other powerful forces within the DNC such as Senators Schumer, Warren, and Sanders who support him for the position.
So what part of Mr. Ellison’s past is causing him trouble? See page two for the answer.
2 faced$#%&!@*clown
Quick American history quiz We fought Muslims in what year????
I agree Cathy M.
Hang this idiot
Ties to the brotherhood
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
Obama’s Muslim and Anti-American infiltrated government at work! The American Government has been tainted with Anti-American operatives for the last 8yrs.
Anyone that is sympathetic to the loser Obama or Hillary is America’s enemy #1!
***** Warning ******
The Treasonous Muslim Obama and his Infiltrated Muslim Brotherhood, Liberal and Progressive minions are a National threat and America’s worst enemy!
Obama now knows intimate secrets about Americans Military and it’s weaknesses and passing this information to his other Anti-American operatives like Iran.
Obama and his minions reign of terror is just beginning.
The AM:
Not only has Obama given Iran billions of dollars as part of his phony nuclear deal, he’s approved a huge shipment of weapons grade Uranium to Iran that could be enriched to make nuclear weapons.
The Treasonous Muslim Obama’s sole purpose has always been to weaken and destroy America internally… He is now working on a bigger coalition to continue his Anti-American destruction now that he is out. Obama’s Muslim brotherhood is continuing and has been pouring across the border for the last 8 years and now hundreds of thousands shipped here as refugees to wreak havoc on America. Fits Right into Obama’s Plan.
Obama’s has infiltrated his puppets into the FBI, DOJ and the IRS!!! Which are now lawless criminal government entities. He has tarnished America with his Muslim Brotherhood and continuous but failed attempts to disarm True American Citizens and neutralize the American police. Emboldment of every criminal and Anti-American element on the planet. America is in peril and being attacked by Liberals, progressives and Islamist snakes internally. Hillary Clinton was the Continuation of Obama’s systematic destruction of America. Eventually Liberalism, Progressivism and Islam will be BANNED IN ALL Westernized countries!
Liberalism and Progressivism is True Good Americans Enemy #1.
Without them spreading their legs and America’s door wide open for Islamist and criminals America would be OK today. No mercy, they would have none for your children!
Fight back or be devoured!
while our nation may well have been ready for a black president back a few years ago, in the name of being politcally correct, we chose to elect a terrorist instead just to say we had grown up. However, we also know that cancer grows up, and that is what our majority of black leaders at high level positions have turned out to be. This should be corrected through the electoral process, but maybe they will start shooting each other and save us some money until EVERYBODY gets it right.