The Muslims know. Radical Islamists are the most dangerous and treacherous of all. With all the hype about all of Europe and America taking in the Syrian refugees, five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have taken no Syrian refugees in at all.
They correctly argue that doing so would open them up to the risk of terrorism.
Although the oil rich countries have handed over aid money, Britain has donated more than Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar combined.
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It’s all part of the plan
See why should we take Muslims here
And this surprised who?
Why is nothing being done by anyone to stop this???
Dona may nayak I agree with you thanks
More welfare freaks,,,these people have no skills,,produce nothings,just a drain on Society,,,
C’mon guys.You KNOW O’muslim has a use for em.He’ll put em RIGHT ta work…just as soon as you and I feed, clothe, and house them (with Halal foods ONLY of course).
20 trillion in debt,,,50% of people on foodstamps,,30 percent unemployed,,,droughts,,,who are the morons who want more Headchoppers in America?
That is Obama way of destroying America
Yeah, but they expect everybody else to.