The phoniness of the hand wringing over the Syrian refugee crisis has been exposed by the reactions of those most in a position to do something about it.
While American liberals slam Republicans as bigots due to them warning about the security risks of allowing thousands of unvetted immigrants into the US, they are conspicuously silent about the refusal of Muslim countries to grant sanctuary to refugees.
In fact, despite being relatively close to the chaos, the Arab Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have allowed zero refugees to enter their borders.
Ironically the Gulf countries state that they cannot admit refugees because of the risk that terrorists will sneak into the country, an argument made by conservatives here in the US. Wonder how long it will be before some liberal says they are racist for doing so.
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thats exactly right..i think he bribed merkel.. everyone w an i q over 75 knows its a huge security risk.
But the muslim leader of america has invited all of them here and all sort of freebies when they get here and they are killing americans. The kenyan born muslim that works for soros has certainly paid you people that voted for him (twice) by destroying america.
Like in “World War Z”?!!! Yikes!!!!
Not surprised, too bad the sheeple don’t understand this…
Send them to Saudi Arabia and watch the fun happen.
We should be more like them. Hey Obama are you paying attention to what Americans want??
Our government knows it ..they just don’t’s all part of this administrations agenda.
So, why do the western countries have to put up with them? The world should turn on the Saudis and force them to take a few million!
MNuslim countries do not take in any refugees because of terrorism, then why would america. wermany is learning a hard lesson, sweden is currently being overrun with thugs, Norway has deported over 70,000 . why should we take in any.
There’s no one to defeat in those countries.. Jesus said ,” The Devil tempted me for the whole world could be mine .. he spoke of many promises , I denied him.
( After going into the desert recipients of John the Baptist )