The phoniness of the hand wringing over the Syrian refugee crisis has been exposed by the reactions of those most in a position to do something about it.
While American liberals slam Republicans as bigots due to them warning about the security risks of allowing thousands of unvetted immigrants into the US, they are conspicuously silent about the refusal of Muslim countries to grant sanctuary to refugees.
In fact, despite being relatively close to the chaos, the Arab Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have allowed zero refugees to enter their borders.
Ironically the Gulf countries state that they cannot admit refugees because of the risk that terrorists will sneak into the country, an argument made by conservatives here in the US. Wonder how long it will be before some liberal says they are racist for doing so.
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because our country can easily be taken for aride ,our government is too soft, our public officials are too weak.
even they know the truth.
There is a reason for that! It is their excuse to infiltrate all other nations and wait til they are ready and large enough to take over!
How about us just pulling out of all of the Middle East and let these countries take care of it. Let ISIS come into their countries because we have closed our borders to them.
well imagine that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, imagine that!!!!!!! Our WH has no smarts at all.
So why are we ? We sure have had our share of terrorism!
They aren’t trying to convert us. Trying to change the West into Islamic culture. World$#%&!@*
We have FEMA camps all fenced in Constantine wire ready to corral them into- why not?