The phoniness of the hand wringing over the Syrian refugee crisis has been exposed by the reactions of those most in a position to do something about it.
While American liberals slam Republicans as bigots due to them warning about the security risks of allowing thousands of unvetted immigrants into the US, they are conspicuously silent about the refusal of Muslim countries to grant sanctuary to refugees.
In fact, despite being relatively close to the chaos, the Arab Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have allowed zero refugees to enter their borders.
Ironically the Gulf countries state that they cannot admit refugees because of the risk that terrorists will sneak into the country, an argument made by conservatives here in the US. Wonder how long it will be before some liberal says they are racist for doing so.
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Now there’s a surprise.
The Muslim countries seem to be the only ones with any sense when it comes to these “refugees”…What is left of the “free” world needs needs to sit up, take notice, and follow suit…Tjat last statement does include the U.S.
That’s just an excuse.
The real reason they’re not taking any refujahidis is because they’re committed to spreading islam. If they took them in, then islam wuld not spread.
They don’t want them! Let’s bring them over here! Seems like a great idea! Gov Herb her in Ut loves them!
So fellow members of the religion of peace don’t want them why in the hell should we bring them here to the land of the big Satan?
Attention all Liberals this is a must read .
Well In case you missed Ryan LyinGave them Card BlanchTill the end when they need more Raise the Debt CelingYou know litten to Reid he maby has a Bridge to sell.
Both of you are right now we need to let it knowen so we get on the same page.
Everone has the Idea but it would have to be big talk will not workthat is what they want to get Marsheil Law.
First of all it not most mussels are not radical they are pease loving to they don’t want it either.the terriststhat change it so they can rape our women .kill them take what they want cause they want to.