The phoniness of the hand wringing over the Syrian refugee crisis has been exposed by the reactions of those most in a position to do something about it.
While American liberals slam Republicans as bigots due to them warning about the security risks of allowing thousands of unvetted immigrants into the US, they are conspicuously silent about the refusal of Muslim countries to grant sanctuary to refugees.
In fact, despite being relatively close to the chaos, the Arab Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have allowed zero refugees to enter their borders.
Ironically the Gulf countries state that they cannot admit refugees because of the risk that terrorists will sneak into the country, an argument made by conservatives here in the US. Wonder how long it will be before some liberal says they are racist for doing so.
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They do need to be ‘protected.’ I heard a Muslim complain that just they won’t assimiliate, like all our families had to do, she was being treated badly and felt unsafe. Cannot have these poor refugees of our Traitor-in-Chief and his flunkies–you know the ones, we call the Democrats and Republicans on Capital Hill or those 9 demi-gods in robes (you know the our OTHER ‘unelected’ legislative assembly the former supreme court, now just a cabal of senior citziens who want to remake America in thier own image…the screw the Constitution crowd (who needs that out-dated document??? WE HAVE UNLIMITED POWER, INSTEAD OF A DOCUMENT MEANT TO KEEP A TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT IN CHECK). God Bless America! To One and ALL a Most BLESSED AND PEACEFUL CHRISTMAS and a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!
The countries that caused the chaos didn’t take any refugees!!!
WTF? Wake up America!!! Close all boarders to America unless they can be fully vetted !!! Why don’t we just move them to a Muslim Country? Wow that would be to simple!!!
Yet the dirty muslim US president is importing the terrorists to destroy America, the democrats, RINO’s and muslims in congress are welcoming the terrorist. When they think they can take over the country, the US will experience a civil war never before seen in the modern world. and islam will be destroyed in America.
Note–they aren’t accepting any Muslims in the Muslim countries.
while obama is allowing the conversion of america to muslimrule
shame on our country!
Over come a nation with increased population from within
or they’re totally fuking heartless because Saudi Arabia has enough tents for 100,000 that’re completely uninhabited